Beauty:  Is it a state of grace or a state of face?  

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The truth is: most of us are NOT “beautiful” by current media standards of beauty.  giphy (5)We know this standard of beauty is unattainable, and we all spend too much time, cash, and emotions attempting to keep up.  Even the most gorgeous among us focus more on their perceived flaws than any aspect of their true beauty.  Maintaining such a standard of perfection must be exhausting and humiliating.  So … don’t.  Really.  Just stop.  This obsession isn’t healthy.  We at Delux will, of course, continue to give beauty tips and tricks and host events to help you feel like your best self.  But the key there is:  YOUR best SELF.  And we love fashion… it’s artful and bold.  Fun.  But less than 2% of the world’s population will ever look like a runway model.  So unicorn sightings aside, FOCUS people.  Focus.  Focus on these three tips which will help you attain the beauty you’re really looking to achieve:


alek1. Love Yourself

And you’re thinking, “Blah blah blah…”  And maybe you’re right.  You can “blah blah blah” me, or you can think *perhaps* there is something to this self-loving kick the whole world has adopted lately.  It’s 2015, my friends.  We are some free-loving, free-thinking, radically nerdy, unapologetic, and  genuinely happy individuals.  Be you.  Love you.  Embrace the person you truly are, and seriously.  Love yourself.  Because if you don’t love you, who will?  Authenticity is everything.  Learn it.  Live it.  Love it.  I promise you, the shine you bring to everyone with self-love will make you the most beautiful person in the room.




2.  Focus on Feeling Good


Yoga is my thing.  I freaking love yoga.  If you’ve met me, or if you meet me, you’ll think, “She seriously loves yoga?”  I don’t look like a typical yogi.  It’s OK.  It FEELS amazing.  I *feel* pretty when I breathe and stretch.  And maybe my body morphs into the beautiful fit-chick images I admire and appreciate.  Maybe it won’t.  All I know is that movement feels incredible.  I love to dance.  So I dance!  Exercise feels great.  MOVE.  Move your butt, and your endorphins start flowing, and your energy picks up, and you suddenly feel like a million bucks.  Your smile gets wider.  Your eyes sparkle.  All from a little gym flow.  You don’t have to look like you go to the gym to enjoy a little booty-shaking.  And poof!  Pretty!



3.  Make it a drinking game

For each NYFW model you see in your Instagram feed, take a shot.  I suppose this depends on who you follow.  But if your feed looks anything like OUR feed… you’ll hit the ground in no time flat!  Liquid courage = instantaneous sexiness.  Whether or not it’s real is irrelevant.  Beer goggles are real, my friends.  You’ll feel pretty.  This is about *LAUGHING AT YOURSELF WITH YOURSELF!*  Because loving and embracing our flaws and enjoying who we are in this lifetime is everything.





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Ummm.  Yes.  And so are you!



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