

Controversy. Debate. These two power words are often times found among the “natural” hair community. Could it be, that such power words that stem from an argumentative basis, come from a deeper argument that can be found within us?  Natural hair is better than relaxed hair, relaxed hair is better than kinky hair, and in the words of Jay-z, “that’s the argu with men”. Our inner struggles are manifested through our actions and perceptions towards ourselves and others. Though hair is considered the crown and glory of a woman, it should never be used to condemn another. Hair was never created to have a voice, so don’t let your hair define who you are or your perceptions of others; rather let the integrity of who you are speak louder than your hair.

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Natural Hair vs. “Notyo” Hair

Natural hair don’t care seems to be a growing trend

With black women, girls and even most men…is it a sin?

To prefer the non-complicated, silky straight Egyptian

“notyo” hair,

Over the unprocessed kinky, coils, curls that would otherwise come from

yo head?

Or instead, you want that lace front, so you front,

Like it don’t matter if it’s yours or stores

As long as it keeps you lookin fly

You’re willin to lye,

But for others they prefer no-lye

In order to justify the status of their mane

Come aGAIN…

Does it all really matter?

Black woman why you climb that corporate “hair” ladder?

Do you do it because you enjoy the deception of leaving others mystified?

If so, you lied

Thought you were rockin NO LYES?!

What happened?

Black woman, be true to you,

Own you!

Be it relaxed, natural, wig, or weave,

Wear it with integrity,

until integrity becomes your identity!



Written By: Lucindy L. Lumu

And remember, though itsknotsoeasy, its worth it!

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