I ran across this and thought it needed to be posted… this really creeped me out… kinda eery knowing all that has happen to Japan with the Tsunamis and the Radioactive leaks…   This art work was a vision of Luzinterruptus… read his description below….  #Japan

via Luzinterruptus

The installation Radioactive Control was created for the Dockville Festival in de Hamburg which tried to demonstrate, in a humorous tone, the paranoia that we are suffering from since the escape of radioactive material in Japan, has brought into question the safety systems at the nuclear power plants.

With our mysterious army of 100 illuminated radioactive figures, which advanced threateningly on the natural environment of the festival, we wanted to invite reflection regarding the use and abuse of nuclear energy, cheap in economic terms, but which can cause grave secondary effects for the environment and health, forever irreversible.


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