A few months ago Tales From The Lou caught my attention. Knowing a couple of authors intrigued me even more. Tales From The Lou is a compilation of entries written by 4 of St. Louis’  own, authors Lea Mishell, Teresa Seals, Mary L. Wilson, & Myron A. Winston. Once I received my copy of the book I made sure I curled up in my big chair with a blanket.

Up first was Lea Mishell’s Neva Saw It Coming… Page turner!!! I read continuously until it ended. I love the name selections and the imagery was amazing. I promise that each one of the characters will remind you of someone you may know. Next up came Ms. Teresa Seals’ Tattooed Souls… I got lost within the first couple of pages. I mean I had a hard time figuring out which character is which and what was really going on. After the first 10 pages I finally caught on. Once I got into it, it became a page turner. I love the name Skye and Chasity reminds me of one of my sisters. The ending caught me off guard and left me wanting more. I hope there is a part 2 coming. By Any Means Necessary written by the only male novelist Myron A. Winston. I applaud you Mr. Winston I promise you I started rapping 2Pac & MC Breed and envisioned him switching lanes on Highway 70. Awesome read!!! Mary L. Wilson I agreed with your points about the kids these days and how some of us were raised in So St. Louis… Ask my tattooist. Sorry I had to, shout out to Murphy Lee. Lol. Each and every entry is awesome and will remain on my list right next to The Coldest Winter Ever, Getting To Happy, and Song of Solomon.

I strongly suggest you take a journey with Tattooed Souls that are So St. Louis. Although they Neva Saw It Coming, they make sure to get it in By Any Means Necessary. Didn’t want to give away any of the stories because this a definite must read. I also hope that each one of the authors have a continuance to the entries in individual novels. Tales From The Lou is available on Amazon.com for $15.00 and for those of you that have Kindle your version is $8.00. Get your copy!!!!





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