
Well it seems the sinking ship known as the Trump administration is still going down like the Titanic. Trump’s lead attorney, John Dowd has recently said to hell with everything away, followed suit with the rest of the sane people and has quit.

But can you blame him though?

Dowd’s resignation comes shortly after Trump beefed up his petty antics and attacks on special counsel Robert Mueller, but not shy of Dowd’s advice regarding the cooperation with the special investigation. He reportedly advised President Petty to be more cooperative regarding the Russia investigation, among the other political messiness occurring.

In lieu of his advice, Trump has continued to resort to Twitter-bashing the entire investigation and special counsel. But, real talk, did he expect him to do anything different?

Since Trump has been in office, everything regarding his entire administration has played out on Twitter. The name-calling, disrespect, lying, and flat out level of unprofessionalism has been Trump’s narrative since taking office January 2017. Being the focus of Mueller’s investigation, Trump has since declared privately he would sit down with Mueller, which Dowd and others had strongly advised him not to do. Especially, since he is the cape crusader for all the liars in the world.


Photo Courtesy of Yana Paskova/Getty Images

The New York Times reports, this is not the first time Dowd has come close to quitting since he took the position last summer. Dowd stated he considered leaving several times due to Trump constantly ignoring his advice.

The Times reports Dowd’s sudden departure as:

Mr. Dowd’s departure marks the most prominent shake-up for the president’s legal team since he took over from the president’s longtime personal lawyer, Marc E. Kasowitz.

It is not clear who will run the team in his place. Mr. Trump’s other personal lawyer for the investigation, Jay Sekulow, is liked by the president and recently brought on one of his longtime friends, Joseph E. diGenova, to join the team.

Ty Cobb, the White House lawyer for the investigation, came aboard around the same time as Mr. Dowd and Mr. Sekulow and advocated on behalf of cooperating with the special counsel. But the president has discussed with close associates in recent days whether to fire Mr. Cobb, while reassuring Mr. Cobb that he had no plans to do so.


In a telephone interview Dowd stated, “I love the President and wish him the best of luck.”

With Mueller’s investigation getting closer to the truth, it’s safe to say whatever poor soul is getting stuck with that promotion is going to need all the luck they can get.



Shadress Denise
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