I know by now you’ve seen the video, so why sit back silently and wait for it to go away?
After watching this video that claimed to be “undeniable evidence” that Chingy is gay, I realized the public was as gullible as I once believed they were. The super-trash blog-site that was once part of my morning routine, (but the thrill is gone with their day-late-dollar-short asses) MediaTakeOut.com not only thought this crap was print-worthy—but they thought there was so much proof packed inside this savagely slanderous spectacle, they listed it as their headline story of the day.
Now #CmonSon when was the last time Chingy has done something that’s been worthy of the headline on a blog site—exactly. So now some phantom vlogger referencing YouTube videos as its primary source of evidence is going to be an internet sensation at the expense of OUR city—NOT SO DAMN FAST!
Before the internet can go completely nuts and St. Louisans start creating urban legends about Chingy and his sexuality; how about you consider that he’s Chingy to the rest of the world, but to St. Louis—he’s Howard Bailey Jr.—and more importantly, he’s ours—and the last time I remembered, we didn’t take no sh*t from anyone when it came to defending OUR OWN!
Yes, the rumors were out before; and although some of you will wallow in your own ignorance and indulge in the “irrefutable evidence” presented in this poor display of debauchery, why don’t you take a moment to reminisce of the time when “Right Thurr” hit BET and helped to fuel the fire that the St. Lunatics ignited. Reflect on the pride you felt when you went out of town and when his smash hit blasted through the club speakers and you stole the spotlight because you were actually from St. Louis and could Nina Pop better than any of the posers in the club awkwardly flailing, trying to mimic something that you had been doing in Hadley’s for years.
When Chingy was up in the “Holidae In” with Luda and Snoop—you were right there with him, celebrating St. Louis. When he was running BET Uncut (before “Tip Drill” came and killed it), most of you stayed up so you could see it. Finally, St. Louis had gotten raw—and secretly, we enjoyed it.
Now that some random asshole wants to piece together a concert video of some body-painted babes—or whatever, and their backstage photo (still in the body paint, might I add) and present it as if the two of them were hugged up in a hotel room “sword fighting”) you want to take to twitter and gag about it. Where is the proof? Where is this research MediaTakeout gave the dude credit for? Anyone who knows anything about the industry knows that models that are part of the show are not necessarily selected by the performer. All he cares about is that she looks good. She’s nothing more than a prop, and when has a prop and a fan photo ever been considered to be proof of anything? #GTFOH
Instead of downing the brother, you need to be uplifting him. Speak out for him—hell—gay or not, that’s that man’s business. Whether you want to admit it or not—a lot of you are nothing more than bandwagon-riding vultures awaiting your opportunity to pick at the corps of the career shattered by lies in the media.
I find it might ironic that this “breaks” as Chingy’s preparing for a comeback, so I’m speaking out for him and against these allegations; and those of you media who continue to push this poison or choose to piss on this rant can quite frankly kiss my ass “Right Thurr”.
Keep your head up Chingy!
Chingy’s article in DELUX Magazine can be found in issue 4 by clicking here: http://deluxmag.com/april_mag/
All hate mail can be directed to Seven@Delux-Mag.com #Deuces
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I refuse to repost that BS video. Thanks Seven for the great rebuttal.
People believe anything they see or hear just like a rumor can be put out about something saying they have AIDS. Thats does not mean the shit is true…Believe half of what you see and nothing of what you hear..
Say that!! Who cares if he is or isn’t…why is stuff like this still big news to the entertainment industry?
This is ridiculous…Chingy keep pushing..make music and capitalize on the posittives in your life. This is nonosense!
Seven this was GREAT!! THANK YOU Delux
As you know we have been fighting these rumors for over a year, which is so stupid. The subject of rather a person is Gay or not should be the least of our worries. My question is & always will be WHY?? Chingy has stated over & over he’s not gay & if he was he would have said so by now but people don’t believe that, they believe some random stranger that has no proof & they believe so easily. These people & sites have no idea what they do to people’s lives, we are all human & have emotions. I need people toget a damn life!!!
PS…I just want to say I have worked with Chingy since 2005 & I’ve never ever seen any signs hints etc that he is gay.
Again Thank You
Very well written…
This type of things make me sick…..I have hung out with chingy before and i have never got that vibe from him at all…..i agree with Mouise 300%……Good article Seven
People fail to realize the industry is fueled by gays. Of course it is unspoken, and I’m not claiming that the artists themselves are gay—but a lot of those who are in the most powerful positions are gay. How else would you explain how the hell “man-bags” and skinny jeans (which we’ve already touched on once in this article: http://deluxmag.com/2009/09/27/d-o-s-%e2%80%94the-revolution/ ) started becoming so popular? Yeah, blame it on the European fashion if you’d like—good luck with that because we all know the deal.
And I don’t see anyone sounding off about Lil Wayne and his “Daddy”. Oh wait… Let me be quiet before the Illuminati comes after me.
HE’S GAY, GAY, GAY, GAY, GAY…and his personal prefernce is not our business, but when a GAY man dates women, HOUSTON WE HAVE A PROBLEM…I’ve seen him in STL with gay dudes, ATL with extremely zesty GAY queens and in NYC hanging out with know industry GAY men.
So while it is his business, I think women who sleep with him need to know he sleeps with men and women!
why this nigga even need a manager? mouise probably a tranny.
he fkin with trannies he the rap version of ricky martin
Stl Shawty, surely your word is the gospel. I find it rather ironic that you seem to spot him at all the gay functions. So might I be correct in assuming that YOU are as gay as you claim he is? Surely, these aren’t “random” sightings. But before you’re quick to speak the gay gospel–the STL Shawty version– maybe you should pull out your camera phone and snap a picture. I mean, surely you’re THIS adamant about your claims, so proof should be real easy to obtain–after all, this IS the digital age.
But I do welcome other povs. So thank you for input.
Excellent thoughts Seven. STL Shawty seems to be mad that he/she cant get a pic with the Saint Louis Celeb ( gay or not). lmao
Wow Mousie… now i see why the last post didnt last long….lol But on the real… we all grown… this is good convo…. And STL Shawty she did use her name… she has a point….
hey mousie – 1 of the things that come up when googling ure name is
“Mardi Gras Posters and Jazz Fest Posters by MOUSIE 2009/10″… LOL how typical of chingy at his team.. bunch of homos.
if your gay & happen to be around straight people, does that mean ur straight? No…so why cast stones if its the other way around? as a celebrity or public figure ur goin to b around all types of people, so the fact that u might have saw him around people that Appear gay means nothing…i guess to be safe u cant know/talk to any gay people huh? shits crazy
I thought we were having a adult convo instead it’s children on here, playing & lying making false statements in my name, plse note that is a crime & if I find out who u r I will press charges. I have nothing to prove to any1 especially sum1 not in the same pay bracket as me. Have a nice day
Wow. This guy (who did the video about Chingy) is a complete ass. If that woman is a transgender woman, then she is now living as a woman. It appears, by her body, that she is probably also transsexual–which makes her officially and physiologically a woman. She is not a cross-dresser. People need to stop confusing these things and categorizing people incorrectly. Educate yourselves.
So, she has transitioned and is now a woman and living as a woman. She’s a dancer. And Chingy took a picture with her. Who fucking cares!!!!!!! How rude and judgmental to talk about people in such a discriminatory way based on gender identity and/or sexual orientation.
I hope Chingy did know that he had a transgender dancer on stage. That would make him open-minded, progressive, and non-judgmental.
Middle finger…to the fool that made this video. Thumbs up to Chingy.
my name is veronica as well! You don’t have to prove anything chingy should fire you for poor marketing on his latest album.. booo!! even young buck sold more then him and he aint even did anything lol