In the late fall of 2013 I was given the assignment, my first, to do a piece on Cardinal Ritter.  With this assignment came the opportunity to interview the school’s president Mr. Leon Henderson. What I thought would be a typical interview with some school administrator became an almost hour long conversation over vocation and educational opportunity. I was touched by our conversation. I told persons that I got to speak with him as if it were a badge of honor. He radiated love for what became his life’s work. After our time together on the phone I knew I wanted my children to attend Cardinal Ritter College Prep.

Last week I found out the man with whom I had a very brief encounter had passed away and my heart went out to the many people whose lives he touched over the years. It was then I went about digging through old files to find our recorded interview. It was something I wanted to share with the world with the hopes that his lasting words would continue to inspire. Brother Henderson Rest In Peace

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DeWarren Smith