Donwan Harrell (designer and Founder Of PRPS) is a firm believer in leadership. It’s not hard to see why considering Harrell has been a leader in Denim wear for the past decade. Donwan Harell’s lineNine Days Denim gives guys a cool and refined look. Plus, men will feel like a true individual and not have to worry about standing out from the rest.
The latest from Nine Days Denim consist of some very unique denim wear. Additionally, there’s a nice variety of color and styles in the jeans-which is great if you ask me. When coming up with the latest designs for Nine Days Denim, Harrell was said to be deeply influenced from the cutting edge color of the 70’s and with a hint of 80’s punk.
Without further a due I’m happy to introduce to the i am…! Boutique family of denim  the Nine Days Denim Men Fall 2010 Collection.

Walt Johnson
i am…! & i am…! SNEAKY
St. Louis,MO Store 63130
Store (314)726-2224
Cell (314)724-8005
Fax (773)304-2555

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