

Art + Culture, Feature

Ballet Dancer Misty Copeland Inks Two-Book Deal

Copeland, 30, is working on a memoir for Simon & Schuster’s Touchstone imprint and picture book for G.P. Putnam’s Sons Books for Young Readers, part of Penguin Group (USA). Copeland helped break ground as an African American female soloist for the American Ballet Theatre. According to a release Wednesday by the two publishers, both of her books are scheduled for 2014.

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Fashion + Style, Feature

7 Dapper Ways To Tie A Scarf

For those of you, like us, who aren’t fortunate enough to live in yearly warmth and sunshine, you know the love / hate relationship we have with winter. We love the snowboarding trips and the holiday festivities. But we hate the icy, windy, biting and outfit-slicing cold; we’re already shivering just thinking about it…

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Feature, Health+Beauty, Lifestyle

Should I Transition? Or BIG CHOP?

What is a transitioner? What is meant by the term “Big Chop?” These words can be heard circulating around the “textured” hair community. Both terms share a common bond and that bond is that both use to be married to relaxer. After experiencing the damage that came as a result of this union, transitioner and big chop decided that they had enough of the lyes and

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Events, Feature, Music, Video

Avant Live at Lumiere 2.9.13

Pre-Valentine Celebration with R&B sensation Avant. Join Lumiere Casino and DELUX Magazine as Avant sings all our favorite hits at The Lumiere Theater 999 North 2nd Street St. Louis, MO 63102 | 2 shows 1 night!!!! 7p & 9p |… This event will sell out. Cheers to Life + Luxury + Living.

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